Day 168 – I’d Bet Money On It

(Anastasia and me in 1969. Picture taken by our mom to send to our dad who was fighting in Vietnam)

AUG 3, 2017 — It has been 168 days since my sister Anastasia was forcibly abducted into an unethical questionably legal guardianship by Inova Fairfax Hospital, and their designated guardians; 168 days since she has been outside and seen the sky or felt the sun on her face because she is forbidden to go outside.

I saw Anastasia today. She is still looking a little pale, is still under weight, and she has not opened her eyes since Friday. (On Friday I was horrified to see her left eye had a bunch of goo in it and the right eye was red). She tried to open them through the visit but was unable to get them open more than 1/4" before she had to close them again. Her pupils were rolled up. When she was able to keep her pupils level I could see her eyes were extremely red. I would bet $50 she has pink eye or a similar eye infection. It appeared the facility knew nothing of this even though it was stated she had not opened her eyes for them the last couple of days.

I have been allowed to give her a kiss and hug at the beginning and end of each one of the 3 hour visits. You can see on her face that she needs this and today she got the sweetest smile on her face after I gave her the kiss and hug. I was told by the facility that this could all go away if Labowitz gets another call from APS or if I complain about injuries. I won't comment on that right now.

I have had several nightmares about my sister in the past week. I still am not sleeping well. I don't believe she is either, she had dark circles under her eyes that almost looked like black eyes.

I miss not having my sister at home. Everything is off in every area. Anastasia should be home sleeping in her own bed.